Policymakers' Uncertainty

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Anna CieslakDuke University

Anna Cieslak is an Associate Professor of Finance at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business, a research associate at the NBER and a research affiliate at the CEPR.  Her research agenda spans the dynamics of interest rates and the interactions between central banks and financial markets. She has recently focused on central bank communication and understanding the channels through which the Federal Reserve impacts financial markets.

Stephen Hansen, University College London

Stephen Hansen is a Professor of Economics at University College London (UCL), and Fellow of the CEPR and CESifo. He previously held positions at the University of Oxford, Imperial College, and Pompeu Fabra University and received his PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics in 2009. He previously served as an academic consultant at the Bank of England, and a Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute.

Michael McMahon, University of Oxford

Michael McMahon is a Professor of Economics at University of Oxford, a Senior Research Fellow at St Hugh's College, and an Associate Member at Nuffield College. He is interested in most topics related to macroeconomic policy but particularly monetary policy (especially communication issues), fiscal policy, business cycles, and inventory behaviour. He is a research fellow of the CEPR and currently he is director of the Research Policy Network (RPN) on Central Bank Communication.

Song XiaoLondon School of Economics

Song Xiao is currently a PhD student in Finance at the London School of Economics. His research interests are asset pricing, asset management, and monetary policy.